Prohibited items
It is important to know that in line with Customs and Regulatory Authorities, the below items must not be packed inside your luggage.
- Any item containing alcohol - eg aftershave, perfume, whisky, gin
- Pressurised containers or aerosols - eg hairspray, deodorant, mousse, shaving foam
- Inflammable items - eg nail varnish, matches, lighter, candles
- Food - eg tea bags, spices, chocolates
- Drink - eg milk sachets, soft drinks, wine
- Medicines - eg tablets
- Fragile Items - eg glassware, crockery, television, paintings

- Animals (including birds, fish, insects, larvae, pupae etc.)
- Animal products (including but not limited to ivory, fur and garments trimmed with fur)
- Antiques and art works
- Bullion
- Complete firearms and firearm parts, ammunition, explosives, weapons
- Medication
- Hazardous goods (including but not limited to perfumes, aftershaves, aerosols, flammable substances, loose batteries, biological substances)
- Flowers and plant products
- Food and Drink
- Fragile items (including but not limited to crockery and china, any item containing glass, televisions, computers, data storage devices, paintings)
- Human or animal remains, including ashes
- Illegal goods (these are goods which are considered illegal in the origin, the transit points and / or the destination countries)
- Imitation (replica) firearms, toy guns, weapons, explosive devices or ammunition
- Knives
- Medical samples (including but not limited to bodily fluids and tissue samples)
- Negotiable instruments in bearer form (including but not limited to bank notes, currency, vouchers)
- Packages that are wet, leaking or emit an odour of any kind
- Perishable items that require a temperature controlled environment
- Pornography
- Prescription drugs and pharmaceutical products (including Paracetemol, Ibuprofen and Asprin)
- Televisions, computer screens and monitors
- Tobacco
- Religious artefacts